Truck Driver

Career Training for a Job in Truck Driving
What You’ll Learn:
• Safety
• Basic Operation
• Advanced Operating Procedures
• Vehicle Maintenance
• Non-Vehicle Activities
• State License Preparation
• Basic Computers
• Customer Service
• Job preparation, including interview and resume skills
• New Career in 6 -7 Months ①
• Job Placement Assistance
• Support Services
• Financial Aid Assistance for those who qualify
• Training supplies, books and uniforms included in tuition ②
② Subject to change without notice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the Truck Driver job training classes take place?
CET offers truck driver job training program in El Paso, Texas and 2 locations in California, El Centro and Soledad, CA. In addition to the classroom learning on CET's campus, the full-size tractor and open roads will be your lab!
How long does it take to finish truck driver job training program?This is a full time program and requires 30 hours a week. Students usually finish the 630 hour program in 6-7 months.
When does the next truck driver class start?Right now! CET’s open enrollment means once your application is completed you can start the next day.
What types of jobs can I find after I graduate from the truck driving program?
When you’re trained as an truck driver, you’re qualified for a variety of jobs, including:
- Delivery Driver
- Line Haul Driver
- Log Truck Driver
- Over the Road Driver (OTR Driver)
- Production Truck Driver
- Road Driver
- Semi Truck Driver
- Tractor Trailer Operator
- Truck Driver
How soon after graduation will I start working as a truck driver?Every student’s experience is different, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the trucking industry has a higher than average job growth. To see what the job outlook is like for truck drivers where you live, go to and plug in your state in the section for “Wages and Employment Trends.” And with CET’s job placement assistance, you will always have ready help to find the right job.
What can I expect to make as truck driver?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics shared this information (see below) about what people can make as a truck driver. Remember that this is only an average- depending on where you live, the wages can be higher or lower. To see how much truck drivers earn in your region, go to and plug in your state in the section for “Wages and Employment Trends.” National Wages & Employment Trends* For Heavy and Tractor Trailer Truck Drivers
Median wages 2017 $20.42/hr, $42,480/yr Employment 2016 1,872,00 employees Projected openings 2016-2026 213,500 *Data as of August 2018. For additional information, including details on associated occupations, national and state wage and employment statistics, go to
How much does the truck driving program cost, and how can I pay for this?
Training to be a professional truck driver costs $11,476 including books, project supplies, uniforms and tools. If you qualify for financial aid you may be eligible to receive grants, scholarships and/or federal student loans.
What if I didn’t graduate from high school or don’t have my GED?
At CET you may have options without them. Be sure to tell the Admissions Department so they can guide you through the eligibility process.
How big are the truck driving classes?
Class size is approximately 20-25 students and varies by the type of program.
Do you provide any certificates needed by employers?
Students become eligible for the Commercial Driver License (CDL) exam during the program. Upon obtaining the CDL and graduating from the program, students are ready for employment as an entry level commercial truck driver.
What do I need to get started learning to be a professional truck driver? Are there any high school math classes I need to get started?
No. Students are provided with basic skills instruction that includes English and math. Additional one on one tutoring is available if needed by the student.
CET is national, but what about the graduation and job placement rates for truck drivers in my CET location?
Good question! When you’re making decisions about your future, it’s important to be as informed as possible. To see statistics about CET’s program performance, click on the CET location below to access the Federal Student Right to Know and State Program Performance Fact Sheets.*. Remember- we’re here to help. Contact your local CET Admissions Department for additional information or assistance. The truck driver job training program is offered at the following locations:
- El Centro, CA
- El Paso, TX - evening schedule too!
- Soledad, CA