We are thankful to be working with you!
It’s not every day that we get to say all that we want to say. A few words of gratitude is our way of letting you know that we’re in this together; and we are grateful we have your support. From community partners to donors, just like instructors get to make a difference in the lives of students in the classroom, you make a difference for CET as a whole. We’ll never be able to call out the hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals we have worked with over the last five decades but rest assured, your commitment to CET is priceless.
We are honored to be considered a worthy cause by our private donors and corporate donors – and the list is impressive – Google, Microsoft, Wells Fargo Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Foundation, the Walmart Foundation and more. We also acknowledge the trust and confidence of our federal and state partners such as the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training Administration and the California Department of Community Services & Development.
Without the local, state and federal representatives who listen to our voices we wouldn’t be able to keep our doors open to all regardless of background or circumstance. In each of the diverse communities CET serves we want to acknowledge local Workforce Development Boards that partner with CET to train, educate and develop.
Finally, words can never measure the hours upon hours volunteers and alumni have given selflessly to CET – to students needing a tutor, for fundraisers, campus clean ups and community outreach.
Together we are building a better workforce for today and for tomorrow.