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What Skills Do You Need for a Career in IT Support? - CET

What Skills Do You Need for a Career in IT Support? - CET

Maybe you’re intrigued at the prospect of joining the world of information technology (IT) support but worried you don’t have the technical skills to hack it. Fear not. You already may have the winning combination that makes a good IT support specialist truly great

Think of it this way: Technical skills can be taught. You can learn about computer hardware and operating systems, troubleshooting, and device repair—that’s the “simple” part. What can’t be learned in a classroom? Excitement, a willingness to learn and the desire to help others.

So what does it take to be an exceptional information technology support specialist? What do you need to know?

The Nitty-Gritty: The Technical Skills You Need for IT Support

IT support specialists provide help in a wide array of fields and industries. You may work in-house for a specific organization, or you may serve a host of businesses and customers, but many of the skills are essentially the same.

As an IT support specialist, you should learn how to perform the following essential IT tasks:

  • Install and configure hardware, software, systems, networks, printers and scanners.
  • Plan and execute maintenance upgrades.
  • Set up accounts for staff.
  • Respond to breakdowns and other technology issues.
  • Investigate, diagnose, and solve computer software and hardware problems.

You also should have skills to assess and strengthen enterprise system security, protect confidential data, and manage mobile and desktop devices. The Center for Employment Training (CET) teaches all of these skills and more.

Another essential skill? The ability to keep up with technology. Technology doesn’t change and grow in a straight line; technology growth is exponential. You’ll want to keep learning throughout your career to keep up!

The Difference Makers: The Soft Skills You Need for IT Support

Let’s set the technical skills aside for a moment. What interpersonal skills will help you build a productive and meaningful IT career? To be an IT rockstar?

CompTIA, the world’s leading technology association and the top IT-industry certification organization has identified these skills (and several others) as being integral characteristics of IT support specialists:

  • Communication skills: When people need IT support, it’s usually not because everything is going well; you’ll be interacting with people who need assistance. You should be able to listen to their needs and help solve their specific problems. You can’t do this without strong listening skills and the ability to communicate ideas clearly.
    • Bonus Points: Don’t misunderstand us here. Communication comes in all forms. If you are bilingual or multilingual or if English isn’t your primary language, this is a major asset in IT! In an increasingly global world, speaking languages besides English means you can provide support to a larger group of people. And at CET? We can provide the vocational English language skills you need to communicate with everyone regardless of your primary language. 
  • Problem-solving skills: Problem solving is all about looking at issues through a new lens. If you like solving puzzles or you excel at critical thinking, IT support may be the right field for you.
  • Organization: Chances are you’ll be juggling multiple people’s needs at once. Project management and multitasking skills are critical to excelling in IT. You’ll have deadlines to meet, goals to reach and many daily tasks to achieve. To do so with precision and efficiency requires organization.
  • Curiosity: Maybe you took old electronics apart as a child? Being curious about how things work and the inner workings of operating systems is a major plus in the IT sector. It even can help you better understand security risks; you can pinpoint potential cyberattacks and data breaches by searching for them yourself. 

About CET’s Comprehensive Computer Specialist Training Program

The most important skills to have are the ones that set you apart, the traits that make you “you.” Communicating well with supervisors and colleagues, approaching each challenge with curiosity is an essential, non-technical skill that will make a huge difference in how you approach your work. 

At CET, we’ll help you learn the rest, all the tools and credentials you need to back up your personal strengths:

  • Computer foundations and CompTIA A+ certification preparation
  • Computer hardware knowledge
  • Computer maintenance and repair
  • Mobile and device management
  • Enterprise operations and security
  • Internet navigation and the fundamentals of networking
  • Remedy IT service management

You have the makings of a great IT support specialist. Learn the technical skills you need to step into your future. AT CET, we’ll help you make it happen. 

CET is committed to supporting students just like you by providing you with the marketable skills and personal development you need truly to be self-sufficient in a growing and expanding field like IT support. 

It’s time to join the world of information technology. At CET, you don’t have to wait to start classes while the world of technology continues to evolve. Embark on your future as soon as you register. 

Contact us today to get started right in the heart of Silicon Valley!

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